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The Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA) is a national bar association created in 1977 whose members are U.S. judges, attorneys and law students of Ukrainian descent and those American attorneys with an interest in Ukrainian matters. Associate Member status is available to foreign jurists from other jurisdictions, such as Canada and Ukraine, who share the UABA’s goals and dedication to the rule of law, and the UABA’s mission objectives.   


Latest Announcements

Attention all UABA Members!

Register for the UABA annual conference to be held in Florida on November 7-10, 2024 before October 17th, 2024 and enjoy a DISCOUNTED RATE for your conference and banquet attendance! Register here: https://uaba.org/page-779732


The UABA joined The American Coalition for Ukraine, a broad alliance of nearly 100 Ukraine-related nonprofits and organizations that operate within the United States in signing a letter to President Biden urging his Administration to swiftly and fully implement the REPO Act to seize all Russian sovereign assets within the jurisdiction of the United States.

To view the full text of the letter click: ACU REPO Implementation Letter.pdf

The UABA's 2024 Annual Conference  will be held on November 7 - 10, 2024 at Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami, Florida.

Conference attendees enjoy a special rate at Fontainebleau of $279.00 per night if booked by October 17, 2024.

You may book your reservation at https://book.passkey.com/go/3735cc8d or by calling 1-800-548-8886 (group reservations press option) and mention Ukrainian American Bar Association. If you have any questions, you can reach the hotel at reservations@fontainebleau.com

More information and conference registration is available at:

2024 Annual Conference

United Help Ukraine is offering UABA Members a limited amount of complimentary tickets to its 10th Annual Gala. To attend you must pre-register for this event at United Help Ukraine 10th Anniversary Gala.

The UABA's Annual Conference will be held on November 7 - 10, 2024 at Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami, Florida. Conference attendees enjoy a special rate at Fontainebleau of $279.00 per night if booked by October 17, 2024.

You may book your reservation at https://book.passkey.com/go/3735cc8d  or by calling 1-800-548-8886 (group reservations press option) and mention Ukrainian American Bar Association. If you have any questions, you can reach the hotel at reservations@fontainebleau.com

Details regarding the conference to follow!

From April 12 – 16, 2024, nearly 550 delegates from 47 states, including UABA members Judge Orest Jejna, Andrew Fylypovych and Christina Tershakovec, participated in the Ukraine Action Summit organized by the American Coalition for Ukraine, advocating with legislators on Capitol Hill for much-needed Ukraine aid.  Judge Jejna of Scottdale co-led the Arizona delegation; Christina Tershakovec of Huntingdon Valley co-led the Pennsylvania delegation and Andrew Fylypovych—capitalizing on his multiple forays to Alaska—was asked to and led the combined Alaska/Iowa/Nebraska delegation.  The Summit was hailed as a great success, with approximately 350 legislative meetings taking place.  Several days after the Summit, the House voted overwhelmingly to pass a package of supplemental aid to Ukraine.  It was then quickly approved by the Senate, again, by an overwhelming margin and signed by President Biden on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.   

Fordham School of Law in collaboration with FILA is hosting "Ukraine on the Global Stage: Insights from International Courts" to be held on on April 10 in Room 2-01 at Fordham Law School, from 2 pm to 4 pm. You may participate either in person or online.

Registration here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdGCFSUkPp7Wh.../viewform

Today UABA President Andrew Piddoubny, Treasurer Peter Piddoubny, and Board Member Oksana Pelekh were invited to join Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and representatives of the New York Ukrainian American community to urge members of the House of Representatives to pass a Ukrainian aid bill.

The UABA thanks Senator Schumer for his staunch and steadfast support for Ukraine, and reminds everyone to contact their congressional representatives and advocate for Ukrainian aid.

This is a critical moment for Ukraine. The Senate is set to vote on a Ukrainian aid package as early as this Wednesday, February 7, 2024. It is crucial that we all call our Senators and ask them to vote YES on this bill and to ask them to encourage their colleagues to also vote YES. The bill needs to pass by the largest margin possible in order to pressure the House to also approve the bill.

Below is a link which provides contact information for each Senator by State. Please encourage your friends and family to call their elected officials to pass Ukraine aid.


An article by Victor Rud, Chair of the UABA's Committee on Foreign Relations, on the hypocrisy of surrendering Ukrainian territory https://themessenger.com/opinion/russia-territory-ukraine-war-jd-vance-international-agreements

We hope that you can join us for a networking event on Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 12:00 P.M.  at Leleka Restaurant located at 40 Beldon Place, San Francisco, CA 94104.

For more information and to register & RSVP for the event please visit https://uaba.org/event-5507500

UABA members Board Chairman Judge Orest Jejna and Mike Baraban represented the Arizona Ukrainian American Community at the November 14, 2023 signing of a historic agreement between Ukraine and the Arizona Defense & Industry Coalition to cooperate to provide military weapons and equipment to Ukraine. The Phoenix event included representatives of Ukraine and Arizona’s defense industry and was attended by dozens of members of the Arizona Ukrainian American Community.

Nearly 30 Ukrainian American attorneys gathered for the UABA’s networking lunch at Passage Restaurant in Philadelphia, PA on November 4, 2023.  Several UABA Board members were present, including UABA President Andrew Piddoubny, Peter Piddoubny, Oksana Pelekh, Andrew Steckiw and Christina Tershakovec, as well as founding members of the UABA, and newly-minted lawyers and law students. UABA President Andrew Piddoubny gave a warm welcome to the group and shared information about planned UABA activities and current initiatives, which include Pyvo Night at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York City on November 10 and plans for a San Francisco networking event in early 2024.  We were honored to have among the participants, Honorary Consul of Ukraine to Philadelphia, Iryna Mazur, Esq. and her husband, Francois-Ihor Mazur, Esq.  Everyone had the opportunity to share experiences and to plan for future initiatives to expand the reach and the impact of the UABA, for the benefit of Ukraine and the Ukrainian-American community.   

UABA Board Members Judge Orest Jejna and Christina Tershakovec, as well as members Andrew Fylypovych and Mykhailo Lavrys, joined nearly 500 people from across the U.S. at the third Ukraine Action Summit on Capitol Hill (DC) on October 22-24, 2023, to advocate for continued Ukraine aid and support.  The Ukraine Action Summit is organized by the American Coalition for Ukraine, of which the UABA is a coalition partner.  Ukrainian-Americans and Ukraine allies at the Summit, representing nearly 100 organizations, came from 37 states to speak with their congressional Representatives and Senators about the importance of significant, uninterrupted aid for Ukraine and to press for additional support for pending legislation relating to Ukraine.  Summit participants had over 220 meetings with Representatives, Senators and/or staff, a new record for the Summit.  The advocacy event received local and national media coverage, including segments on Business Insider and on NPR’s Morning Edition, and exemplified the power of communities uniting together for an important cause.

The UABA is co-sponsoring a Pyvo Night at the Ukrainian Institute on Friday, November 10, 2023. UABA members enjoy a discounted ticket price of $25, which includes two alcoholic beverages. Small snacks will be served, along with wine, beer and soft drinks. 

Registration is available at: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/7ff8a53a-44f2-43c4-a91b-20a044db6c0d

Victor Rud, Chair of the UABA's Committee on Foreign Relations has written an article in The Kyiv Post, on the importance of continued US support for Ukraine which can be found here

On Monday, October 9, 2023, members of the Philadelphia Ukrainian-American legal community, including UABA Board Members, The Honorable Orest Jejna, Taras Rudnitsky, Andrew Steckiw and Christina Tershakovec met with a delegation of Ukrainian judicial and legal dignitaries, whose visit to the United States was made possible by through the Open World program and the World Affairs Council. 

The Ukrainian delegation included:

Herman Anisimov is a Justice of the Supreme Court, Criminal Cassation Court. Justice Anisimov lectures at the National School of Judges of Ukraine on International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law Application by Domestic Courts and is the author of numerous articles and interviews on international crimes adjudication during wartime.

Marian Mytsak, Judge of the Pavlograd City District Court of the Dnipropetrovsk Region, located less than 100 miles from the front lines.  Since 2019, Judge Mytsak has been engaged in developing training programs for judges on international humanitarian law and international criminal applications. His court considers numerous war crime cases committed on occupied and recently liberated territories, including Izium.

Yana Schestopalova, is a Judge of the Irpin City Court, Kyiv Region (following her relocation in 2015 from the Leninskyi Court of Donetsk City due to the armed conflict in the territory of Donetsk Region).  Judge Schestopalova currently oversees war crimes cases committed in Bucha, Vorzel, and Hostomel of Kyiv region and has participated in training programs for judges on war crimes adjudication at the National School of Judges.   

Maryna Slobodianiuk is the Director of Investigations at Truth Hounds, an organization which has been documenting and investigating international crimes and other human rights violations committed during armed aggressions in Ukraine and other regions of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia since 2014.  Ms. Slobodianiuk’sinvestigations are based on materials collected from open sources and witness statements.  She regularly participates in training for law enforcement agencies and international organizations on the investigation of international crimes.

Zera Kozlyieva serves as Senior Legal Counsel at TruthHounds and is a leading expert in Ukraine on issues of criminal justice in cases involving international crimes. Over the past nine years, she has been building a systematic state response in the form of investigations and prosecutions for such crimes.   

UABA is co-sponsoring a virtual CLE by the Columbian Lawyers Association, First Department on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. Via Zoom Videoconference, entitled Ethical and Practical Guidance to Safely and Successfully Use Technology in Your Law Practice.

The program provides 1 CLE Credit in Cybersecurity-Ethics and 1 CLE Credit in Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias.

The program is free of charge to UABA members. You can register for the program here

We hope that you can join us for a networking event on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. at Passage Restaurant located at 10783 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19116. 

For more information and to register & RSVP for the event please visit Philadelphia Networking Lunch 

Thank you to everyone who came out to our evening of opera and networking last night. It was great to see old friends and make some new ones. We hope to see you at future events!

We hope that you can join us for a networking event on Friday, August 18, 2023 at 6:30 P.M. at Bryant Park during the NYC Opera's free presentation of The Barber of Seville. 

More information about the opera can be found here 

You can register & RSVP for the event at Bryant Park Networking

Victor Rud, Chair of the UABA's Committee on Foreign Relations has written an article in The Hill, dissecting NATO's fear of "war with Russia," which can be found here

A special thank you to UABA Board Member Walter Lupan, and programs and organizations such as Operation Renew Prosthetics (ORP), Medical Center Orthotics and Prosthetics (MCOP) and Brother's Brother Foundation (BBF) for their work to provide prosthetics and support for Ukrainian soldier amputees injured in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Please take a moment to view these articles Pavlik.pdf about Yaroslav Pavlik, an injured infantryman, and the work of ORP, MCOP, and BBF.

We appreciate Hon. Orest A. Jejna, Chair of the UABA's Board of Directors, for creating this video entitled: "What We Need to Know About Ukraine." It provides key historical insights and a concise summary of current topics that may be of interest to our members and the general public.

Congratulations to Hon. Orest A. Jejna, Chair of the UABA's Board of Directors, whose activism on behalf of Ukraine has been published in an article in Voice of America News.  Thank you for your tireless efforts with volunteer organizations, activists, the military, and Congressional representatives, to remind them of the necessity of unwavering financial and military support for Ukraine, and for Ukrainian NATO membership.


The New Jersey State Bar Association is hosting a webcast entitled: "The Holodomor – Starvation of Ukraine in 1932-33: Genocide, Disinformation and International Law, Then and Now" on June 20, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET. The expert panel includes Victor Rud, Esq., UABA's chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, who will serve as a moderator/speaker. Click here for more information and to register 

The American Bar Association is hosting a webinar entitled: "Arbitration Arising from the War in Ukraine: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead on June 7, from 1–2.30 pm ET. The discussion will focus on arbitration triggered by the ongoing war in Ukraine and legal remedies for the recovery of the resulting economic losses. The panel features a great lineup of speakers. Click here for full program information 

Members of Pennsylvania Delegation to Ukraine Action Summit meeting with staff of Senator John Fetterman (D-PA), including UABA members Andrew Fylypovych and Christina Tershakovec

Delegates to the Ukraine Action Summit (April 2023), including multiple members of the UABA

Members of the Pennsylvania Delegation to the Ukraine Action Summit meeting with staff of Senator Robert Casey, Jr. (D-PA), including UABA members Andrew Fylypovych and Christina Tershakovec

You can view the final agenda for the UABA Special Conference by following this link: 2023 UABA Conference Agenda.pdf

As a reminder, if you have not already done so, you can purchase tickets for the UABA's Cocktail Reception - Special Conference on Friday, April 28, 2023 @6:30PM at Ukraine House 

and the Banquet Dinner - Special Conference at Sofitel on Saturday, April 29, 2023. 

You can now purchase your tickets for the UABA's Cocktail Reception - Special Conference on Friday, April 28, 2023 @6:30PM at Ukraine House 


the Banquet Dinner - Special Conference at Sofitel on Saturday, April 29, 2023. 

The UABA's Special Conference focusing on Russia's War on Ukraine will be held on  Friday and Saturday, April 28-29, 2023, at Sofitel in Washington, D.C.

The conference will feature renowned organizations and speakers, including Oleksandra Matviichuk, co-recipient of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.

Conference attendees enjoy a special room rate at Sofitel of $299.00 per night Thursday, April 27, Friday, April 28, and Saturday, April 29, if booked by April 7, 2023, subject to availability.

More information and conference registration is available at:

UABA Special Conference

The FCIL-SIS is hosting a panel discussion addressing the war in Ukraine. The registration link and more information are provided below:


On Saturday, February 25, 2023, Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. to mark the 1 year anniversary of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, and then marched in the streets to the residence of the Russian Ambassador. Thank you to everyone who came and for your continued steadfast support for Ukraine!

A message from the Ukrainian Embassy:

A message from the Ukrainian Embassy in the USA:

Please join us at 2 pm on February 25 in front of the Lincoln Memorial at a mass rally to mark the 1-year solemn anniversary of russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. 

The rally is co-organized by various nonprofit organizations, including the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Razom for Ukraine, United Help Ukraine, US Ukrainian Activists, Revived Soldiers Ukraine, Support Hospitals in Ukraine, Ukrainian Women League of America, the Ukrainian School in Washington DC. and many others. 

We would be honored if you could join us and demonstrate your solidarity with Ukraine.  Speakers will include H.E. Ambassador Oksana Markarova, representatives of the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Congress, former U.S. Ambassadors to Ukraine, and leaders of the Ukrainian American community. 

Thank you very much for your support and we are looking forward to seeing you on the 25th!


Please join us for a virtual panel discussion regarding energy disputes and the war in Ukraine, featuring the following professionals:

·         Pavlo Byelousov (AEQUO, Kyiv)

·         Professor Loukas Mistelis (QMUL & Clyde & Co, London) 

·         Tom Sikora (Exxon Mobil Corporation, Houston)

·         Ros Prince (Stephenson Harwood, London)

·         Mark Stadnyk, Moderator (Squire Patton Boggs, Houston & New York)

Thursday, December 1, 2022 @ 5pm Kyiv | 3pm London | 10am NYC 

Anticipated duration: 2 hours

PLEASE REGISTER HEREVirtual Event - Energy Disputes and the War in Ukraine (cvent.com)

In lieu of registration fees, please consider making a donation to RAZOM, INC., a 501(c)(3) organization providing critical humanitarian relief and recovery in Ukraine.  Donations may be made here.

The virtual discussion will be followed by an in-person cocktail reception and Banksy art tour in New York City (details below).

Friday, December 2, 2022 @ 7pm EST – Please join us for a cocktail reception coupled with a private guided tour at Banksy NYC Exhibit: Building Castles in the Sky (250 Bowery, New York City, NY 10012).

Tickets for the exhibit will be available at the entry for $35.  Please register in advance here: Cocktail Reception and Private Guided Tour at Banksy NYC Exhibit: Building Castles in the Sky (cvent.com)

You are welcome to attend the December 2 art and cocktail event, even if you are not able to participate in the December 1 virtual discussion. 

This November marks another anniversary of the 1932-1933 Holodomor. As Russia’s war against Ukraine rages on, Russia continues to use food as a weapon in achieving its genocidal and political goals. Has the world learned its lesson?


Victor Rud, UABA’s board member and chair of the International Affairs and Foreign Policy Committee, spoke on a panel organized by the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations titled “Weaponized Starvation: Long-Term Effects of Hunger for a Human and a Human Development”. 



An international non-profit called Water for All has been working to supply water filters to the people of Ukraine since the war broke out, and has created a "Lawyers for Ukraine" campaign to raise funds to get water filters to the Ukrainian Bar Association. More information can be found here: https://www.waterall.org/lawyersforukraine

The Ukrainian American Bar Association (“UABA”) joins all those who love freedom, all those who respect the law, and all those who refuse to accept a lie as the truth and who have condemned the sham “referenda” conducted by russia’s proxies on the occupied territories of Ukraine and russia’s “annexation” of said territories, in each case, a clear violation of international laws.

The UABA calls for appropriate responses from the international community, including an unequivocal stance on non-recognition of any “annexations” by the aggressor-state, designating russia as a state-sponsor of terrorism, establishment of a special tribunal for the investigation of russia’s aggression against Ukraine, stronger sanctions, and additional weapons that will allow Ukraine to remove the invaders from all of Ukraine’s territories and defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and the rest of Europe.  


On September 18 – 20, 2022, Ukrainian American Bar Association (“UABA”) Boardmembers Judge Orest Jejna and Christina Tershakovec, former UABA president Andrew Fylypovych and member Mike Baraban participated in the Ukraine Action Summit (“Summit”) on Capitol Hill.  The UABA was a coalition partner with lead organizer Razom and over 30 other Ukrainian American and Ukraine ally organizations whose members arrived in Washington, D.C. for two days of meetings with House representatives, senators and staffers, as well as with representatives of the State Department. 

In total, Summit participants from 32 states, representing 33 organizations attended nearly 140 meetings with Congressional representatives.  The over-arching message was the need for continued strong support for and to Ukraine, which message was warmly received.  Evidence of the success of the Summit was apparent even in its midst, as participants learned of passage of a pending bill, additional co-sponsorship by representatives of bills and the introduction of new bills.  The Summit underscored the importance of follow-up with our elected officials, so that Ukraine remains a top priority.  

In meetings with representatives, senators and staffers, delegations emphasized that Ukraine is not only fighting for her right to exist and for her self-determination, but is truly the front line in the fight for Western democratic ideals.

Judge Orest Jejna and Mike Baraban led the Arizona delegation.  Andrew Fylypovych and Christina Tershakovec were members of the Pennsylvania delegation. 

August 24, 2022


The anniversary of Ukraine’s renewal of its independence thirty-one years ago brings celebration, horror, and a warning.


Ukraine ensured the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the world breathed with relief. Yet Ukraine’s warnings about an unrepentant aggressive Russia were ignored.


Russia renewed its war against Ukraine in 2014. Since its expansion of that war this past February, Russia proudly advertises its intention to destroy Ukraine not just as a sovereign state,  but as a nation. Its actions also amount to the destruction of the “rules-based international order” that the West established and maintained since the cataclysm of WWII.


With the aid from the West, Ukraine is fighting alone against the largest country in the world. And Ukrainians ask: “What does ‘Never again’ mean?” And they warn the West. Again.


The Ukrainian American Bar Association joins in that warning--liberty is both the pre-condition for and the product of democracy.  We must ensure both.


Слава Україні!

Welcome Connect is a first-of-its kind platform created to bridge the gap between Americans who want to sponsor, but don't know anyone fleeing the war, and Ukrainians seeking refuge in the U.S. This platform was launched by our partner, Welcome.US.

How it works: Registration is not an immediate obligation to sponsor – you will create a profile, be offered an online training and start the process of connecting with a Ukrainian seeking refuge to decide whether sponsorship is a good fit for you.

Video:Step-by-Step Guide to Completing a Welcome Connect Profile

The Ukraine Immigration Task Force has a page for FAQs and Clarifications on Immigration Law for Ukrainians Seeking to Enter the United States that is available in both English and Ukrainian 

The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC), is holding a large community outreach event in Brooklyn this Saturday, May 7th, and is still looking to fill some slots for volunteer attorneys at the Ukrainian legal clinic that will be situated in a private tent within the fair. The clinic will be staffed by immigration attorneys, and they are hoping to expand capacity with legal volunteers to conduct general intake (with supervision). NYIC will be providing training and a detailed intake form and so is not limited to immigration attorneys, but is hoping to work with attorneys who speak Russian or Ukrainian. 

Here is the link for volunteers for the event. NYIC will be providing access to a  recorded legal training for all who sign up.




Date & time: May 7th, 10am - 2pm (volunteers to arrive by 9:30am)

Location: Owl's Head Park, Brooklyn (Colonial Road, 68 St., & Shore Road, Brooklyn, NY 11220)

On April 21, 2022, President Biden announced Uniting for Ukraine, a new streamlined process to provide Ukrainian citizens who have fled Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression opportunities to come to the United States.

More information about Uniting for Ukraine, how to apply, eligibility requirements, and what to expect, can be found at: Uniting for Ukraine - Program and Instructions.pdf

*The information contained above is solely provided for general informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice from the UABA or any of its members.

The Ukrainian American Bar Association Joins Welcome.US Effort to Mobilize 100,000 Americans to Sponsor Ukrainians Seeking Refuge in the United States. A press release containing more information can be found at: UABA - Welcome.US Press Release.pdf

The Ukrainian American Bar Association (together with Razom, Inc. and Natalie Jaresko as co-petitioners) has submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) a Petition for Rulemaking, pursuant to which it is requested that the Commission enact a rule requiring issuers to disclose their business dealings in and with the Russian Federation (“Russia”) and the Republic of Belarus (“Belarus”). Enacting such a rule would be in line with the current US policy of sanctioning Russia for invading Ukraine and Belarus for its role in the invasion.

SEC Petition for Russia Disclosure.pdf

On April 18, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security posted a Federal Register notice on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ukraine. The notice provides information about how to register for TPS. The registration process begins on April 19, 2022, and runs through October 19, 2023. To be eligible under the Ukraine designation, individuals must demonstrate their continuous residence in the United States since April 11, 2022, and continuous physical presence in the United States since the designation date in the Federal Register notice.


For details, please refer to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website:



Information regarding Employment Authorization for Ukrainian F-1 Nonimmigrant Students can be found here

On April 8, 2022, along with several other leaders of the Ukrainian American community, Ukrainian American Bar Association’s President Victoria Kulik and Board Member Christina Tershakovec attended a White House meeting to learn what the US administration’s efforts to welcome Ukrainians to the United States are going to be. We would like to express our gratitude for the on-going support of Ukraine and Ukrainians by the United States and are looking forward to the official announcement of the path forward for those Ukrainians who are seeking refuge in the United States following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 

TPS Announcement

Attention: Ukrainian Nationals seeking Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in the United States of America, please fill out this form to join the list of people to be notified when Ukrainians are allowed to prepare and submit TPS applications. Legal assistance will be provided free of charge.



Увага: Громадяни України, які хочуть отримати статус тимчасового захисту (Temporary Protected Status (TPS)) в Сполучених Штатах Америки, будь ласка, заповніть цю форму, щоб приєднатися до списку людей, які будуть сповіщені, коли українцям буде дозволено готувати та подавати заявки на TPS. Юридична допомога буде надаватися безкоштовно.


Department of State Guidance for Ukrainian Nationals can be found at:

DOS Guidance for Ukrainian Nationals.3.11.22.pdf and

Further Explanation to DOS Guidance.3.11.22.pdf


Information on visa options for Ukrainian Nationals can be found at:

Visa Options for Ukrainian Nationals.pdf

Information on scheduling a visa appointment in Moldova can be found at:

Scheduling Visa Appointment - Moldova.pdf

March 12, 2022

The Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA) vehemently condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its terrorist abduction of Mayor Ivan Fedorov of Melitopol, Ukraine. The UABA joins the government of Ukraine in its demands that Russia immediately and safely release Mayor Fedorov and all of the other protestors abducted by the Russian military, and to immediately remove its troops from and deoccupy Ukrainian territory.

Information for people fleeing the war in Ukraine can be found here

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine has prepared a short video with a call for a no-fly zone accessible here

Please click here for the latest information from the US Embassy and Consulate in Poland for US citizens evacuating Ukraine

The U.S. has granted TPS status to Ukrainian Nationals in our country. A statement from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Public Affairs can be found here

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine has launched an information platform for foreign audiences concerning the war in Ukraine, providing historical context, updates, photographs, and more which is accessible here

The MFA's press release is available here 

Please sign the petition below to have NATO close the airspace over Ukraine


For more updates and information on how to help, please view our War on Ukraine tab above, our past posts on this website below, or follow us at Ukrainian American Bar Association on Facebook, TheUABA on Instagram, and The_UABA on Twitter.

Past Posts

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Upcoming Events

The UABA will be holding a Special Conference in Washington, D.C., April 28-29, 2023. The focus of the conference will be Russia's War on Ukraine. Details will be provided as we get closer to the event. 

Kyiv Post Homepage

Тихо плаче Україна сльозами і кров'ю
 Кат будує своє "завтра" на горі людському
 Гірко плаче Україна і тяжко ридає
 Своїх синів,що померли сльозами вмиває
 Плаче ненька Україна, плаче кожна мати
 Та що сина відпустила волю здобувати...

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